Dear Parents/Carers,
We are looking forward to our trip the Barnet Food Bank on Wednesday this week. Many thanks to all the parents who have generously given up their time to support us on all our trips over this year. These are valuable learning opportunities and experiences for our children. We couldn’t do it without you!
This week
Literacy: We have written and completed our moon myths. They were extremely entertaining to read, with some very imaginative plots. The children have edited and assessed their writing looking forward a range of sentence types and the use of figurative language in their descriptions.
Maths: We have continued our topic of Statistics – reading and interpreting tables and timetables.
Guided Reading: We have started reading the humorous book, ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cottrell Boyce. It would be extremely useful if the children could have their own copy of the book that they can use and read in class.
Here are some links for you to use:
Cosmic : Cottrell Boyce, Frank: Amazon.co.uk: Books
Cosmic by Frank Cottrell Boyce | Waterstones
French: This half term French is linked to our Space topic and children will learn to spell and name some planets in French.
RE: We have been exploring the Jewish faith this week, how they worship and their celebrations.
PE: We have continued developing our Tag Rugby skills in outdoor PE – practising passing and moving. We started introducing defenders into a mini game. We will continue with this next week.
Spellings: This week we have focussed on topic vocabulary and some personalised spellings
The test will be on Thursday 29th June
Upcoming dates:
21st June Year 5 trip to the Chipping Barnet Food Bank
26-29th June Maths Week – information will be in this week’s Newsletter
30th June Inset Day
8th July Summer Fayre
10th July Year 5 music trip to the RCM – more information to follow
13th July 5G rescheduled Barnet Environmental Trip
Thank you for your continued support,
Year 5 Team