Year 3 Weekly Update – 12/05/23

Dear Parents and Carers,

Spellings: ‘i’ sound
Times tables:
Please practise the 10, 5, 2, 3, 4 and 8 times tables and related division facts.
We look forward to hearing who has been victorious in this week’s competition out of year 3 boys and year 3 girls on Thursday! The next Times Tables Rockstars battle will be between year 3 and 4, beginning tomorrow and ending next Thursday.
In addition, please use Hit the button (Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds ( to practise division facts.
Learning next week:
  • To calculate perimeter
  • End of block assessment
  • To know the denominator of unit fractions.
  • To know the features of poems. To write similes about volcanoes. To use adverbs to describe the actions of volcanoes (double ly sentences).

  • To know what happened at Pentecost.


  • To describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock

  • We will be discussing the different ways we can pay for things other than cash e.g. debit cards, credit cards, online payments
  • To identify and use repetitions or loops in a program sequence, predicting outcomes and noticing and correcting any mistakes
  • We will apply our learning so far to create repeating patterns on Scratch.
  • To describe everyday life in ancient Rome, including aspects, such as jobs, houses, buildings, food and schooling.

Kind regards,

Mrs Ball and Miss Grace