Year 4 Weekly Update – 12/05/23

Dear Parents and Carers,    


Year 4 have been learning all about Kennings Poetry this week, we have also enjoyed practicing embroidery skills in Art. Please find your child’s learning and home learning below.   

Times Tables: Thank you all for your diligent practice at home. We are really seeing incredible progress in times table fluency across both classes! 

Spelling Words: regularly occasionally frequently usually rarely perhaps maybe certainly possibly probably 


English: Next week in English we will be having grammar lessons, specifically focusing on fronted adverbials. 

MathsNext week,  children will build on their previous learning of tenths as they begin to explore hundredths. They will develop an understanding of hundredths as fractions and as decimal.  We will use representations such as hundred squares and bead strings and introduced 0.01 decimal place value counters.

RENext week we will take time to think about the things Jesus said to his disciples about being a follower of his. We will have an opportunity to know who the Church today shares in the mission of spreading the Good News.

PSHE Next week we will learn about what food is healthy and recognise opportunities to make choices about food, what might influence our choices and the benefit of eating a balanced diet


Trips next week:  

4B Wednesday 17th May

4S Thursday 18th May – please wear own clothes 

Kind Regards,   


Miss Bonfield and Mrs. Santangelo