Year 5 Weekly Update – 09/05/23

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope you had an enjoyable Bank Holiday weekend celebrating the Coronation. It was fantastic to welcome you into the ‘classroom’ on Friday afternoon following our singsong and picnic outside. The Andy Worrall inspired collages looked fantastic – we hope they are proudly on display in your homes!

As the weather is still changeable, with rain forecast throughout the week, it is really important that children have appropriate outerwear to wear during playtimes/lunchtimes if they are outside and to bring in wellies to use for Forest School as it may be raining while we our outside and the ground may be quite wet. Forest School is on Wednesday.

This week

English: We finally finished our Henry VIII biographies. Do you think Henry VIII was as mighty monarch or a cruel tyrant? We will now begin our new persuasive piece of writing using Anne Boleyn’s alleged crimes as our inspiration.

Maths: This week will see the end of our topic on fractions, percentages and decimals, specifically finding equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. Next week we will start our new topic on Shape (perimeter & area).

History: Ahead of our persuasive writing, we will find out about Anne Boleyn’s alleged crimes for which she was beheaded in 1536, using both primary and secondary sources.

PHSE: We will be exploring the importance of healthy lifestyles and what effect different substances can have on the body, including drugs, alcohol and tobacco and the health implications of these. The children will think about how to lead a physically, and mentally, healthy lifestyle with reference to diet and exercise and how they can relate that to themselves. If you would like to explore this lesson further please follow this link:

Ten Ten Parent Portal: as part of our subscription to ‘Life to the Full’ and ‘Collective Worship’, all parents can access the Online Parent Portal with these login details.

Username: st-catherine-en5

Password: great-572

Parent Portal website:

Spellings: the test will by Friday 19th May











Year 5 Tudor Day

On Wednesday 17th May – next week – we will host a Tudor Day in the Main Hall at School. A letter was emailed last week. We still need parent volunteers to come and spend the day with us as we have many activities, including a banquet, planned. Please use the emailed form to let us know if you can help. The letter also detailed the costumes that the children will need to wear on the day. Please get in touch if you have any questions about this. There will, therefore, by no Forest School on this day.

Many thanks,

Mrs Georgiou, Ms Groom & Mrs McDonagh