Dear Parents and Carers,
Year 4 have really enjoyed learning all about Norman Catapults this week, and taking part in a battle re-enactment! We look forward to seeing some of you tomorrow for the Coronation Celebration events. Please find your child’s learning, and home learning below.
Times Tables: Please continue to practice times tables at home. If you have difficulty logging into either purple mash or Times Table Rockstar’s please let your class teacher know as soon as possible. Some interactive times table games have been linked below for you to enjoy at home.
Spelling Words: anxious, curious, dangerous, enormous, hazardous, joyous, mountainous, poisonous, serious, synonymous
English: Next week in English we will be looking at ‘Kennings’ Style poetry. We will practice using metaphorical language and apply this to our own poems.
Maths: In Maths children will move on to looking at them as decimals. We will look at tenths on a number line and place value charts.
RE: In RE we will learning about the challenges of being apostles and will reflect on how God worked through Paul and Silas. We will carry out some activities in class to remember and honour Mary.
Kind Regards,
Miss Bonfield and Mrs. Santangelo