Dear Parents and Carers,
Year 4 have had a great week learning all about Motte and Bailey castles, as well as starting to create our own coronation inspired crowns! Please find your child’s learning for next week below.
Spelling Words: information adoration sensation preparation education location exaggeration imagination organisation concentration
English: Next week in English we will be finalising and performing our own plays based on the battle of Hastings in 1066.
Maths: In Maths children will explore tenths through different representations of 1 whole split into ten equal parts and will look at a variety of representations of tenths as decimals, up to the value of 1 whole.
Times Tables: Please ensure your child is practising all multiplication tables at home as much as possible.
RE: Children will have the opportunity to know what happened to Stephen and Saul and to reflect on how God brings good out of evil. They will know about the challenges of being an apostle.
Kind Regards,
Miss Bonfield and Mrs. Santangelo