Dear Parents and Carers,
The Year 4 Mass for Lent this week, was a wonderful opportunity for us to come together and reflect on the meaning of this season. It was a powerful reminder that Lent is a time of renewal, reflection, and spiritual growth. Children were really respectful and engaged throughout the Mass. Thank you to the parents who were able to attend.
Please find below next week’s learning.
Spellings: Words ending in ‘sion’: collision confusion decision discussion division explosion extension permission television vision
DT: Please ensure your child brings in a toilet roll/ kitchen roll holder This Friday for our DT session. If you are able to donate more than one we would be grateful for spares!
Times tables: Please continue to practise times tables up to 12. It is important that your child is regularly accessing the purple mash times table tests which are in their weekly 2Dos.
English: Next week we will be learning about features of myths and legends, we will be including personification of weather in our writing.
Maths: Next week we will continue to focus on fractions. Children will learn to order mixed numbers and understand improper fractions.
Science: Next week in Science we will be learning about electrical circuits
RE: Next week, children will have the opportunity to understand what happened on Holy Thursday. They will reflect on how we can show our love for Jesus.
- Forest School has been very muddy recently so wellies/ waterproof shoes are essential for these sessions.
Kind Regards,
Miss Bonfield and Mrs. Santangelo