Year 5 Weekly Update – 24/02/23

Dear Parents,

Our new topic is ‘Allotments’.  To introduce the topic the children were given the opportunity to taste food that can be grown on an allotment. The children then had to use their senses to write a description of a chosen fruit or vegetable. Today, Mrs Ainger came in to speak to the children about her allotment and the children had the chance to ask her questions.

Please find attached the Knowledge Organiser for this topic.

This week, we went to St. Gregory’s to celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass. Thank you to the parents who accompanied us, your help is always appreciated. In class, we discussed how Lent is a time when we strengthen our relationship with God and we thought about why it is important to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. The children created a display in class to explain why it is important to make time during Lent to strengthen their friendship with God.

Key Date:

Tuesday 28th February- World Book Day– Children have been asked to bring in a book that they no longer need at home. The books that are brought in will be displayed in the hall and the children will have the opportunity to browse at all the donated books and bring home a new book. Please encourage your child to create one of their favourite characters from all-natural materials. An email was sent with some examples.

In English, we have started finding out about allotments through Mrs Ainger’s Allotment Talk and researching online. This research will help the children to write a non-chronological report to inform people about allotments. Some children this week have shared with us about their families having an allotment, if they have pictures that they would like to share with their class, please send them in.

In Maths, we have been learning the short division method (bus-stop method) dividing 4 digit by 1 digit with and without remainders. Please practise this at home with your child.

Support at home


Please encourage your child to read every day. We have loved hearing about the books the children read over half term.

TT Rockstars 

Well done to the children who participated in the TTRS tournament recently. The girls won in 5MG and the boys won in 5G. Certificates for the three most valuable players for each category in each class will be given out in Celebration Assembly tomorrow.

Please encourage your child to use TTRS at home. Ten minutes a day makes a huge difference in children mastering their times table and division facts.


This week we have been learning spellings with rare GPCs (Grapheme Phoneme Correspondence- the way a word is written compared to how it is said). Children will be tested on these on 3rd March.












Best Wishes,

Mrs Georgiou, Ms Groom and Mrs McDonagh