Dear Parents and Carers,
Ash Wednesday mass – We are attending mass at St Peter’s on Wednesday 22nd February. If you are able to walk with us please contact the office and let them know.
Science museum – On Thursday 23rd February we are going to the Science Museum to introduce our new topic ‘Mighty Metals’. The children should all wear normal school uniform and appropriate outerwear as there may be some light rain during the day. Please also remember to provide your child with a packed lunch and water for each of the trips.
Focus: Suffixes -ness, -ful, -less, -ly
carelessly thoughtful happiness merciful roughness merciless painless fearfully happilyTimes tables
Please practise the 10, 5, 2, 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
The next Times tables Rockstars battle will be between 3B and 3G, beginning on Thursday and ending next Thursday. We will give the certificates out for the top 3 players in each class during celebration assembly on Friday and hear which class has been victorious.
During maths this week, we will be multiplying and dividing by 8 as well as consolidating our knowledge of the 2,4 and 8 times tables.
This week, we have been learning about explanation texts. We will also be learning about adverbials to describe how and when things happen, which we will then use when writing our own explanation text
Our topic for RE this half term is Celebrating the Mass. This week, we will be learning to understand what happened at the Last Supper and to reflect on how the Mass makes this real for us.
This week, we will be creating a simple spreadsheet using Excel and using it to identify cells.
This half term we will use junk modelling resources as well as wooden dowels and wheels to make 3-D cars. This week the children will plan their model and start to decide what materials they will use.
The children will need to bring in some resources to build their cars and we will let you know about these as necessary.
PSHE – This week we have learned about peer influence and pressure. The children have examined how to recognise the importance of self-respect, to learn that pressure to behave in an unacceptable, unhealthy or risky way can come from sources, including people they know and the media.Kind regards,