Dear Parents,
In English, we have planned and written a diary entry in the role of a fraudulent plague doctor. We have included: time adverbials, Outside. (Inside.) sentences and specific vocabulary (buboes, pustules) related to the Black Death.
In Maths, we have been using bar models to understand and recognise equivalent fractions. We have been focussing on using full sentences and specific mathematical language to answer problems.
In PSHE, we have been discussing and learning what makes a healthy friendship, including our online friendships.
In Science, we have learnt what classification means and sorted herbs (due to their use in medieval times for medicinal purposes) according to different leaf shapes (e.g. entire, serrate and lobed). We studied botanical illustrations, which are precise scientific illustrations.
Next week:
Maths: We will be converting mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper fractions to mixed numbers. We will also be comparing fractions less than one and comparing and ordering them.
English: We will be editing and assessing our diary entries. We will then move onto a new writing unit where we will look at Watt Tyler and the Peasant’s Revolt. We will be focussing on the use of persuasive techniques in speech writing.
Guided Reading: We will continue reading ‘Children of Winter’. We will be focussing on the VIPERS skills, to summarise, make predictions and inferences from the text.
Support at home
Spellings: This week in our Spelling lessons we have been learning Year 5 and 6 statutory words. The spelling test will be on Friday 2nd December:
Please keep encouraging your child to read for twenty minutes daily, this can be independently or to an adult.
Friday 25th November- St Catherine’s Day Mass 9am
5G: PE Monday and Thursday (PE uniform should be worn on these days)
Forest school: 5MG Tuesday, 5G: Wednesday
26th November 2022– Christmas Fayre 12pm- 3pm
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe- Please send your child in with a water bottle and two snacks in a plastic or drawstring bag. Children will not need their school bag on this day. They can have one in the theatre and one on the way back to school. Please make sure the snack does not contain nuts. The children will have lunch at school before we leave. We hope to return by 6:15pm. We will keep the office informed if this changes and a text will be sent.
We hope you have an enjoyable weekend,
Mrs Georgiou, Ms Groom and Mrs McDonagh