Dear parents/carers,
We have had another great week this half-term in Year 6. We started ‘friendship week’ with ‘odd socks day’ and discussed and celebrated our differences and we will continue our learning on this next week. We had an excellent trip to Kidzania on Friday and we would like to thank all of the parents that helped us on our trip, the children had a brilliant time! Song lyrics for the Year 5/6 Christmas Concert at St Gregory’s have been sent home, please support your child in ensuring they learn all of their classes song lyrics off by heart.
The learning for next week is:
Maths: To understand equivalent fractions and simplifying, to understand equivalent fractions on a number line, to be able to compare and order (denominators) and to be able to compare and order (numerators).
English: To research and record information about the Galapagos Islands. To write a diary entry in role as Charles Darwin about his trip to the Galapagos Islands.
RE: To reflect on the cost of commitment and can present an argument for a particular point of view.
PSHE: Continuing to learn about what a balanced friendship is. To learn about the ‘protected characteristics’ within the Equality Act (2010).
Science: To understand explain how inherited characteristics can lead to variation (link to offspring and DNA).
Computing: To select, use and combine a variety of software to meet a goal (using scratch).
Spellings: We are continuing with the same spellings as last week- Words ending in prefixes and roots:
autobiography, autograph, binoculars, bicycle, telecommunication, telescope, television, hydroelectric, carbohydrate, dehydration, microscope, microwave.
Just a reminder: -Friday 25th Nov- St. Catherine’s day mass -Saturday 26th Nov. Xmas fayre- Saturday (12-3pm) -Wednesday 30th Nov- Y6 advent carol mass at Westminster (if you can help then please let the office know- thank you in advance for this) |
Thank you for your continued support,
Year 6 Team