Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you to all those who were able to attend parent consultations on Friday, reports have been sent home with children today. Year 4 have had a lovely start to the week, we have been wearing odd socks and discussing different types of friendship as part of our ‘Friendship week 2022’ learning. As our nativity performance draws closer, we will be increasing the number of rehearsals. With this in mind, please remind your child to bring their lines to school every day so they are ready to rehearse. Thank you for your continued support, please find your child’s learning and home learning below.
Spellings: Next week we are practising spelling words with prefixes ‘il’ and ‘ir’.
Illegible illegal illogical illiterate irregular irresponsible irresistible irrational irreplaceable irrelevant
Times tables:
Next week we will be focusing on the 7 times tables. Please continue to practise at home using both times table rock stars and purple mash. Please ensure your child is completing the home learning times table test on purple mash.
English: Next week in English we will be beginning our unit of work on poetry. Year 4 will be introduced to Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ and we will begin to draft expanded noun phrases to describe the characters and settings of the play. This will form the basis of the poems we will be writing over the next few lessons.
Maths: In Maths we are continuing to learn to add and subtract 2 4- digit numbers and explore strategies to check answers.
RE: In RE we will have the opportunity to know how Joseph put his trust in God and discuss that sometimes we need help to trust God.
PSHE: Next week we are going to read the Gospel story Jairus’ daughter. Through story and discussion, children will learn that they are designed for a purpose and how they should live in light of this.
- All children should be taking two library books home after their session on Monday’s. Please encourage your child to read as much as possible at home, and engage with this year’s book challenge!
- Please bring Nativity costumes into school any time before the 25th of November
- Please continue to practise moving your fingers from A to B and B to A on your recorder.