Dear Parents and Carers,
We had another wonderful week in Year 4, filled with lots of learning and activities.
For Black History Month the children learnt about an ancient Roman visitor to Britain from Africa who left behind many precious artefacts.
Preparations were in full swing for the Harvest Assembly with the children excited to perform in front of audience.
A big thank you for your generosity with donations for Harvest which will be given to the foodbank in Barnet and for attending our Harvest Assembly on Monday.
Spelling: There will be no spelling this week. However, please encourage your child to practise any difficult spelling from this half term.
Times tables: Practise the multiplication tables on Purple Mash and Times Table Rockstars.
Next half term we will be learning a new topic called “Potions”.
Children will learn the properties of solids, liquids and gases, recognise hazardous materials and learn how and why medicines, such as anaesthetics, were developed.
Attached is the Knowledge organiser for the topic.
Kind Regards,
Miss Bonfield and Mrs Santangelo