Dear Parents and Carers,
Year 3 Prayer service
We look forward to welcoming parents to our Prayer service tomorrow (Wednesday 12th October) about the Christian family. The children have all worked extremely hard and cannot wait to perform in front of you all.
Spellings: Statutory spellings
rein straight grey prey obey they weigh sleigh eightTimes tables:
This week, please could you practise the 3 times tables with your child.
Times Tables Rockstars is still being used so please encourage your child to use the software to practice their times tables. The boys won the boys vs girls challenge that closed on Sunday. Another challenge will be set on Times Tables Rockstars for this week.
Please also note that the children still have access to Purple Mash which can be used for times tables practise.
In maths this week we will be comparing and ordering numbers and counting in fifties. Next week we will move on to adding ones, tens and hundreds.
This week, we have been writing a non-chronological report about Krindlekrax. Next week we will be learning about Haikus.
In RE, we will learn about joining the family of the Church through the sacrament of Baptism, before moving on to signs and symbols of Baptism. Next week we will be learning about the significance of Diwali to Hindus and the children will be taking part in a Diwali dance workshop.
This week we will be using the web to research birds of prey and to know the difference between the web and the internet. Next week we will be continuing with our research about birds of prey and producing word processed factfiles.
In Science this week we will be learning about the different kinds of skeletons. Next week we will be learning about the different kinds of muscle.
In PSHE this week, we have had a lesson about mental health for World Mental Health Day. Next week, we will be using TenTen Unit 2- Personal Relationships: When things feel bad to develop a greater awareness of bullying, that all bullying is wrong and how to respond to bullying.
Please remember there is a Parent portal on the TenTen website which will enable you to view the materials we use in school.
Forest school
The children have Forest school every Wednesday this half term. Please ensure that the children have wellies and appropriate wet weather gear in the event of bad weather.
Kind regards,
Miss Grace and Mrs Ball