Dear Parent/Carers,
In the month of October we pray the rosary. We will be praying the Hail Mary in class daily. If you have a rosary available at home, please share this with your child and discuss the importance of the rosary with them.
Geography – This week in Geography, the children have been studying aerial photographs of Shoeburyness and the area around our school. They were asked to compare the two places and comment on what is the same and what is different. They also identified human and physical features.
Art – This week we were developing a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. The children really enjoyed creating their own fingerprint paintings!
Maths – Previously, the children looked only at intervals on a number line that were multiples of 10. This week, we have been considering the numbers that lie between multiples of 10 as we looked at 10s and 1s on a number line.
Building upon this knowledge, the children were given the opportunity to estimate the position of numbers on number lines. We encouraged the children to use their number sense to first decide which two intervals a number lies between, before going further with their thought process to consider its position relative to halfway by deciding which multiple of 10 a number is closer to. Examples included both estimating the position and estimating the value of a given position.
Towards the end of the week, the children will be combining all their learning so far from this block as they begin to compare objects to 100. We will be asking the children to identify which quantity is greater, explaining their reasoning. The language of “more than” and “fewer than” will be used in the context of quantity. When using objects as a representation of number, the children will also be exposed to the language of “greater than”, “less than” and “equal to” alongside the inequality symbols to compare.
Please use the Maths resource attached to support your child with their Maths learning.
Literacy – This week in English, there has been a focus on developing vocabulary and using the Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch story to aid this. The children were asked to match the words to their definitions and then use their new words in a sentence. The children were asked to use the context of the sentence to decide what they thought the word could mean. This week we have had a renewed focused on the importance of handwriting and always using the correct letter formation every time we write.
Y2 Prayer Service – This week the children have been working hard to say their speaking words clearly with expression. It has been wonderful to see them speaking and singing so confidently in front of their peers. Thank you for supporting your child at home with this too, please continue to do so over the next two weeks. Next week, we will be practising without lines, as the children should know them.
Music – In Music, the children have begun to deepen their understanding of rhythm. They were asked to create a call and response through clapping and then they were given the opportunity to use instruments to match their
RE – In RE, the children have been learning the story of baby Moses. They were asked to choose a character from the story and reflect on how they would have felt at various points during the story. The children were also asked to think about the reasons why Moses was chosen by God and the gifts and talents that we have been given by God.
Please see below for this week’s spellings that need to be learnt at home in preparation for the spelling assessment next week. They follow on from this week’s phonics learning where the children have been thinking about the /ai/ sound that can be spelt in multiple ways including ey, ea and ay.
- Harvest Food Donations: Wednesday 12th October
- Harvest Festival: Tuesday 18th October
- Y2 Prayer Service: Wednesday 19th October
- Please ensure your child’s clothing is marked with their name
- Please see attached a list of the Year 2 Common Exception words. Please help your child to read these words and begin to spell them independently.
- Continue to support your child when their learning his/her speaking and song words for the Y2 Prayer Service