Dear Parents,
It was lovely to start our Tuesday morning with so many of you at our first Year 5 Mass. The children sang the hymns beautifully and spoke eloquently. Thank you for supporting your child/ren in preparing for the Mass.
This week has been another busy week in Year 5.
In English, we have published our magazine articles and have created a wonderful display in the corridor and our classrooms. We have been revising Alan Peat sentence types and expanded noun phrases. These lessons were linked to our Egyptian topic and will aid our mystery stories that we will plan next week.
In Maths, we have been rounding numbers within a million to the nearest, 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,000. We have spent a lot of time looking and using the rules of rounding.
If you would like to revise this with your child please use the links below:
In Guided Reading, we have started reading ‘The Time-Travelling Cat and the Egyptian Goddess’ by Julia Jarman. We have been predicting and asking questions about the first chapter. We have also been making inferences about the main character in the book.
In PHSE, we have learned how pressure comes in different forms and learned strategies to resist it, through drama.
Next week:
In English, we will continue with our unit on mystery stories. Please encourage your child to read mystery novels over the next couple of weeks, for example ‘The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd.
In Maths, we will start a new unit on ‘Addition and Subtraction’.
We will continue to do Times tables Championship on Thursday mornings.
In PSHE, we will be learning about bodily autonomy and consent. We will look at scenarios such as ‘Felix is play fighting with his cousin, who keeps tackling him. At first he enjoys it but then he wants to stop.’ We will discuss how Felix should deal with the situation.
On Monday, we will also take part in a workshop about fire safety with a member of the London Fire Brigade.
Over the next few weeks in Computing, we will be participating in Microsoft coding workshops.
In our RE lessons over the next two week we will be learning about the story of the Fall and how it helps us to understand suffering in the world.
Support at home
This week in our spelling lessons we have been looking at words with the suffixes –ible and -able. Please practise these spellings for the next spelling test on 7th October.
Times Table Rock Stars
Please continue to encourage your child to use Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) at home.
We were delighted that so many children participated in the first Year 5 TTRS tournament.
5G: 17,258
5MG: 11,322
Congratulations to 5G!
We have set up another tournament, children can take part from Friday 30th September, 5pm until Sunday 2nd October 5pm. The tournament is 5MG vs 6M and 5G vs 6S, the more your child uses TTRS the more coins they will earn for their class. May the best class win!
Children need to read at least five times weekly for twenty minutes. Children in Year 5 still really benefit from being read to and having discussions about the books they are reading.
Next Week –
Monday- Fire Brigade Safety Workshop
PE: Wednesday and Thursday
Forest school: 5MG- Tuesday 5G- Wednesday
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Georgiou, Ms Groom and Mrs McDonagh