Year 3 Weekly Update – 23/09/22

Dear Parents and Carers,
Spellings: Apostrophes for contractions
Times tables:
This week, please could you practise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables with your child.
Times Tables Rockstars is still being used so please encourage your child to use the software to practice their times tables. Logins have been sent home/ will be sent home today on a small piece of paper. Please keep this safe at home.
In maths,  we will be representing and partitioning numbers to 1,000. Next week, we will be continuing to understand the value of numbers to 1,000.
This week, we will learn about fronted adverbials and look at a model recount of their visit to Whipsnade Zoo. Next week we will write our recount.
In RE,  we will learn about joining the family of the Church through the sacrament of Baptism, before moving on to signs and symbols of Baptism.
Computing/ Geography
In computing and geography this week, we will be using digital maps to locate the different places in the world where crocodiles and alligators are found.
In Science this week we will be revisiting our learning from the Whipsnade zoo workshop and looking at how diet affects the kind of teeth an animal has.
In PSHE next week, we will be looking at TenTen, Module 2 Unit 1, Religious understanding: Jesus my friend, the story sessions.
Please remember there is a Parent portal on the TenTen website which will enable you to view the materials we use in school.
Forest school
The children have Forest school every Wednesday this half term. Please ensure that the children have wellies and appropriate wet weather gear in the event of bad weather.
Kind regards,
Miss Grace and Mrs Ball