Dear Parents and Carers,
Year 2 have had a great week, we have enjoyed our new class text, The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch, which will be supporting our current topic, Beachcombers! Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Year 2 Curriculum Meeting on Tuesday, please ensure you have received a copy of the PowerPoint. In this email, we have attached a recommended book list and knowledge organiser for this term, both resources may be used to further support your child at home.
Spellings: Spelling Assessments will begin from next week. This week’s spellings follow on from our phonics lessons where the children have been reading the /ai/ sound spelt in different ways. Please practice the following words at home with you child:
English: In English this week, the children have begun to read and write about ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ story. They made predictions before reading the book and they used their inference skills to explain why they thought their predictions were likely to happen. Later on, the children wrote captions to match pictures from the text.
Maths: In Maths, the children have started to unitise the idea of a ten. They have been looking at boxes of ten things, starting with examples labelled as “10”, with the individual objects visible, before moving to more abstract examples.
So far, the children have looked in detail at numbers to 100, with an explicit focus on making tens. They have been building upon this to organise their representations in a place value chart, placing pieces of equipment under the correct place value headings. The children were able to recognise that they can only write the digits 0–9 in any single place value column, because if there were any more than this they would be able to make a ten.
Please use the following resource at home to support your child with their understanding: Partitioning into tens and ones – Maths – Learning with BBC Bitesize – BBC Bitesize
RE: In RE, we have begun our first topic, ‘The Chosen People’. We discussed how God has chosen us to follow him and the things that God has chosen us to do, such as being kind and helpful to others. We drew self portraits and wrote captions to express what God has chosen us to do.
Computing: In computing this week, we learned about e-safety and the Acceptable Use Policies for KS1, and agreed how we should use technology in school and at home by creating a class display.
PSHE: In our lesson this week, we focused on the story of ‘Austin’s Butterfly’. We used this as a way of promoting a “Growth Mindset”, the children learnt throughout the course of the lesson that we can always improve when provided with feedback that is accurately applied. It was wonderful to see the end result of the children’s drawings of butterflies after taking onboard their learning partner’s advice.
- Please read with your child daily
- Return the Pick Up Arrangement Form sent last week
- Messages to be emailed to the office
- Please support our Reading Challenge, by encouraging your child to colour in a medal, when they have read a book (found in the back of Reading Records)
- School Trip to Shoeburyness on Thursday 22nd September 2022- a packed lunch is required
- Library books to be returned on Thursday
Y2 Recommended Book List to support the topic in Autumn Term 1
Y2 Autumn Term 1 knowledge-organiser
Kind Regards, Mrs Fraser, Miss Fielden and Mrs Whyatt