Dear parents,
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break! This morning the children have begun the term by learning about some famous explorers for our new topic ‘Land Ahoy’. They were learning about famous explorers and being able to put them on a timeline to show when their expeditions took place. They were also learning about a quarter and how to recognise and find this in our Maths lesson.
We would like to remind you that there is no Forest School for Year 2 this term and that your child’s P.E days may have changed. 2W now has P.E days on Tuesday and Wednesday and 2F has P.E days on Wednesday and Thursday.
Next week is also our school trip – Wednesday for 2W and Thursday for 2F. Please note because of this, we will do our spelling tests on Tuesday next week.
Home Learning
For our spellings this week we will be focusing on words that end in ‘e’ with a consonant before it and how to add ‘er’ and ‘est’ to these (losing the ‘e’ before adding the suffix). Please help your child learn the following words:
For the Maths home learning this week, we would like the children to focus on their mental Maths. Please practise adding and subtracting a one-digit number to a two-digit number with your child eg 21 + 3 or 86 – 7 and see if they can get quicker and more confident at this. We will give them a mental Maths challenge next week to see how quick they are at this.
Please also make sure to listen to your child read every night and sign their reading record.
Thanks for your support.
Best wishes,
Miss Fielden and Mrs. Whyatt