Maths Day
In Year 2, they read the story called ‘One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab’ and then the children worked together in their talk partner pairs to answer problems such as: ‘How many ways can you make 10?’ and they responded with:
10 = one spider and a snail
10 = one spider and one person
10 = two dogs and one person
In Years 3 and 4, they read the story called ‘One Hundred Hungry Ants’ and then they learnt how to use arrays to represent the number 100 in a variety of ways such as 1 x 100; 2 x 50, 4 x 25; and 5 x 20. They also explained why 100 cannot be grouped equally in 3s, 6s, 7s, 8s and 9s and they used sentence stems to explain their reasoning. The children then independently investigated how twelve ants might be reorganized into different numbers of rows, each with an equal number of ants.
In Years 5 and 6, the children read the story called ‘365 Penguins’ and then they solved mathematical problems involving time to answer questions such as: Two consecutive months have a total of 61 days. What months might these be? Find all the possibilities. They also solved mathematical problems involving properties of numbers to answer questions such as: Dad says that in a year (that has 365 days, not a leap year) there will only be 5 months when he could arrange the penguins into cubes. Is he correct? Yes or no? Prove which dates they will be on. The children also enjoyed working systematically to find Chilly (the penguin with blue feet). They had to use a series of clues and justify which ones were the most useful.
Here are the book covers:
Some great work was produced: