Dear parents/carers,
We have had another brilliant week of learning and the children have been working hard to complete their mock SATs papers. Results will be shared with you on Friday 11th February.
The learning for next week is:
English/History: Learn about Victorian slums, about Queen Victoria and people’s opinions of her and her family tree and descendants.
Maths: Mixed addition and subtraction, multiplying fractions by integers, multiplying fractions by fractions, dividing fractions by integers
Science: To understand how to complete an electrical circuit and how different components affect it.
PSHE: It is children’s mental health week- we will be completing activities linked with this.
RE: To demonstrate my understanding about the mass and Jesus’ sacrifice for us.
Next week is ‘Internet Safety Week’ we have attached a lesson that we did with the children about social media a few weeks ago. Please read through it and discuss with your child, we will be using these discussions as a prompt in our internet safety lessons next week.
Thank you for your continued support,
Year 6 Team