Dear parents/carers,
We have had another brilliant week of learning and the children all very much enjoyed our visit to The Natural History Museum. Thank you to those parents that accompanied us on our trip, we appreciate your support.
This Friday, the SATs homework books will be handed out. More details about the amount of pages that your child will have to complete each night along with expectations will be communicated in a separate email.
The learning for next week is:
English: Writing a non-chronological report about Victorian Schools
Maths: Comparing and ordering fractions, To add and subtract fractions, To add mixed numbers
RE: understand the penitential rite and the liturgy of the word in the Mass and explain our participation in them
Science: Drawing scientific and non-scientific circuits
PE: CT: Gymnastics Mr Reilly: Dance
Spellings: Root words and their meanings: dictionary, description, chronological, report, predict, cyclone, manufacture, indestructible, structure, distract, transport, attract
Thank you for your continued support,
Year 6 Team