Year 6 Weekly Update – 07/01/22

Dear parents/carers,
We have had a fantastic first week back at school, thank you to those parents who volunteered for our trip to the Natural History Museum, we will send an email to parents on Monday to let you know if we will require your help on the trip.
If you have received an email about your child attending a Maths intervention after school then please ensure that you have informed either the office or spoken to ourselves to confirm that your child will be attending. 
The learning for next week is:
Maths: Order of operations, mental calculations and estimation, reason from known facts
English: Timeline of key Victorian inventions, understanding the features of a biography and writing a biography about a famous Victorian inventor
PSHE: Online safety, understanding about body image online and seeing stuff online
Science: Electricity- understanding how circuits work
RE: To use a given source to support a point of view
PE: Mr Reilly: Dance    CT: Gymnastics (they must bring or wear their shorts to school under their jogging bottoms)
Spellings: Words ending ant, ance and ancy: performance, attendance, appliance, perseverance, elegant, assistant, significant, dominant, hesitancy, redundancy, vacancy, accountancy
Just a reminder that for our trip next Friday, your child will need to bring a packed lunch in a disposable bag (please ensure that it does not contain nuts). They will be wearing their full school uniform and a coat.
Kind regards,
Year 6 Team​