In phonics we have been exploring alliteration, and trying to distinguish the initial sounds in a word. We played I Spy and gave clues by using the initial sounds. We also played digging for treasure, and we had to sort out the objects using their initial sounds. We thought of lots of words that start with the s phoneme.
In maths we enjoyed number day! The children brought in puzzles and games from home, which we shared with our friends. We made our own number books, and filled them up with numbers that are important to us. We also went on a number hunt around the school grounds to spot different numerals in our environment.
In RE we have continued learning about Jesus’ miracles, and we have acted them out. For Children’s Mental Health Week we listened to the story ‘The Lion Inside’. We know that it is okay to be scared sometimes, because even the lion was afraid of the little mouse. We discussed things that make us feel scared and how we can be a bit braver. We have been trying to find our own roar, and be brave to try new things that might make us a little bit nervous. We are trying to be supportive of our friends when they are trying something new.
We started a new story this week: I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato by Lauren Child. This has prompted lots and lots of discussion around our favourite foods and trying new foods. We took it in turns to act out being Lola refusing to eat her dinner, and we wrote a list of our favourite foods.