The children have been very busy this week at Nursery finding out about different celebrations. We learnt about Diwali and made Diva lamps, and also learnt about Bonfire night. We have made lots of firework pictures and paintings.
In phonics we listened to the different sounds that fireworks make. We had a go at sounding out and writing some of these sounds, such as pop, bang and whoosh. We explored used instruments to make firework noises.
We have been reading ‘Bedtime for Monsters’. The story is about a monster coming to your house to give you a big bedtime kiss! The children have really enjoyed this unexpected funny ending to the story. We have used this story as inspiration and written our own Monster stories. We used shapes to design our own shape monsters.
We learnt a bit more about the number 3. We practiced sharing out three objects between three people, and talked about taking turns, using the words ‘first’, ‘second’ and ‘third’.