This week in phonics we have been playing games to improve our listening skills. Listening is one of the basic building blocks of language and communication and, particularly in the early years of education, one of the main vehicles for a child’s learning. We have been practising listening to our friends, and responding to them.
We have been singing lots of number rhymes and songs in Maths. We added five little speckled frogs to our water tray, and have been singing the rhyme. We have also been singing ‘Five Little Ducks’ and ‘Five Currant Buns’.
In RE we have been learning about looking after and caring for God’s World. We have particularly focused on looking after our Nursery environment, and being mindful of bugs and small creatures in the mud kitchen and playground.
We enjoyed a visit from Perform, who ran a drama workshop with the children. The children really enjoyed role playing with Chloe, and pretending to be witches .
Please check Tapestry for more updates. If you are struggling with accessing Tapestry, please speak to a member of the Nursery team.
We hope you have a happy and restful half term, and look forward to welcoming the children back to Nursery on Tuesday 29th October.