4B Prayer Service

On Thursday morning, 4B gave a very reflective and topical prayer service on plastic pollution.  Having spent time last term learning about this issue, the class shared their reactions through poetry they had written and reflecting on how we must try harder to fulfil God’s command to care for His creation.   We also presented some of the ways that people are speaking out about this issue and the wider problem of climate change.  The children reflected on how protest can be a catalyst for change describing some of what has happened recently with the student strikes and Extinction Rebellion (pausing to consider their positives and negatives).  Finally, they thought about how Jesus would have dealt with the problems both as a leader, a teacher, a servant and as a radical.  What lessons do we all have to learn in the face of this problem?  Well done 4B for starting this summer term with such enthusiasm and passion for your learning.  We are very proud of you.  It was wonderful that so many of their parents attended and heard this very important message.