On Friday 11th January we were invited to Martins Primary School. Our Year 5 & 6 ambassadors had a wonderful time. They have written comments about the trip. Gabriella
The children told us how they became RRS ambassadors. It was really interesting to their displays and what they do in their school. I enjoyed meeting new people and introducing ourselves to one another. Martyna 6C
We told the children about what would happen if they go for Gold and what to do to say Gold. We went on a tour of the school and played in the playground. We loved the playground because they had a massive climbing frame. We met Miss Glackin’s sister who teaches Year 6. They have four houses– Yellow for air, Blue for water, Red for fire and Green for earth. Heidi 5S
I enjoyed meeting my friends from my Polish school. Maya 6V
I enjoyed learning about the Global Ambassadors. They put up a map and around it explained what a global citizen is. It said things like how they help a school in India. The teachers even went to India and visited the school bringing resources to help them. There were photos showing this. Ruby 6S
Our visit consisted of a talk with their ambassadors, a tour of their school and time to socialise with the children. When talking with their representatives they told us about three ideas they had initiated– helping schools globally, their ‘Theme of the Month’ (Gender Equality) and opening their school every Sunday. Johnny Y 6V
We made a circle with all the RRS Ambassadors. We had the opportunity to ask them questions and they got to as us questions. We also got to see their amazing school which is 3 form entry. We have the ‘Thought of the Month’ and they had the ‘Theme of the Month’. The last theme was ’Gender Equality’. We also saw their artwork and display which were great! Kimmianne 6S
We got to explore their school and found out how they raised money for charity. I loved seeing all their learning on the walls which really gave us some ideas. I enjoyed finding out about the ‘Theme of the Month’. It was about amazing women and ‘Gender equality’. Ava 6V
It was an extremely enjoyable trip and I learnt so much from it. I enjoyed when we made a big circle and had a long conversation about the similarities and differences between our schools. We were able to share ideas. I can’t wait to see them again and enjoy another interesting conversation. Charlotte 6C
In my point of view meeting the children was the best bit because they explained how their school works. Everyone spoke and no-one was shy. Everyone had a new idea to say. Gabriel 6S
I enjoyed meeting the children. They were very kind and fun to play with. I enjoyed seeing all their wonderful displays especially the ‘Theme of the Month’. It gave me ideas for my school. Amelie 5SY
We spoke to their RRS Ambassadors and told us about why they think they are a Rights Respecting School. When they showed us around we saw that the theme of the month was ‘Gender Equality’. They had been learning about famous women. They also told us about their work with a school in India. Andreanna 6V
We met in the music room. We met pleasant, amazing children. They had lots of great displays that showed they are a Rights Respecting School. They all agreed that we get our rights from the day we are born. Beatrice 5S
We saw lots of displays and lots of smiley people. They proved how and why they should be awarded the Gold Accreditation. My favourite part about our visit to their delightful school was meeting new people and playing on their amazing climbing frame. I had a fantastic time. Keelan 5SY
We went to Martins School to tell them about our experience of getting the Gold Award. Martins school is a three form entry school. In the front entrance there is a map of the world with articles. My experience at Martins School was really good. I would like them to come to our school. Pablo 6V
I enjoyed seeing the magnificent displays. I liked hearing about how they help a school in India. It was amazing listening to the children about why they were a Rights Respecting School. I loved their ‘Theme of the Month’. Gaia 6V