We were delighted to welcome our RRS Parent Ambassadors on Thursday 8th November. The year 6 ambassadors showed them around the school. Here is the year 6 report.
‘On Thursday morning the Year 6 Rights Respecting Ambassadors showed Mr Coster ( Charlotte’s father) and Mrs Picotti (Giulio’s mother) around the whole school to find evidence of St Catherine’s being a Rights Respecting School. They were very complimentary and adored the different class charters, the ‘Article of the Month’ and the ‘Thought for the Month’. We were very proud to show them around our school.’ Gabriel and Charlotte Year 6
Global Learning
GLOBAL GOAL 8 : Decent work and Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
What does “decent work” mean? Decent work means opportunities for everyone to get work that is productive and delivers a fair income. At St Catherine’s we believe everyone has rights and we should be treated with the utmost respect.