Since our introductory parent meeting, there have been lots of interesting conversations regarding managing screen time. The staff have been discussing how we could have an ‘unplugged’ day at school: have your family had a discussion about when or how you will have a digital-detox?
We would love to hear feedback about anything you are doing at home that is having positive impacts. Send Mr Bell an email via the school office.
We are aware that the Fortnite craze is preoccupying many of our children. Please be vigilant about the games that your children are playing and how much time is being spent on them. We know that they can be a distraction to the children’s learning.
You may find some of the information in the NSPCC guidance on Fortnite helpful on this, in particular the age recommendations (12+yrs) and how the games actually work.
For more information on supporting children online please download the document below!