On Monday 2nd July, the much anticipated day finally arrived – KS2 Sports Day. 270 children from Y3-6 made the journey up to the Totteridge Academy (TTA) where we were lucky enough to host our event on their playing fields. Similar to our KS1 and EYFS sports days, the children in KS2 completed a carrousel of 9 different athletic events, moving round with their classmates, competing against children from each of the 4 houses – Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel. Some of the activities included a 60m sprint, throwing javelins and a course of hurdles…etc. Each activity was led by an adult and then the stations were scored by our fantastic sports leaders from TTA, who were very enthusiastic and helpful.
After completing all the stations and having a quick break, we moved onto the final section of our sports day – the relay races. This year we had a relay for each year group, and a girl and boy from each house in every class representing the school. They ran amazingly and the crowd cheered enthusiastically for their team mates. Well done to all the children who were selected to represent their house and year group.
The scores have been counted and the winners decided, however this will be announced in a special sports assembly taking place next week for the whole of KS2 (still keep your fingers crossed for your houses). This event could not have taken place without the dedication and support of our St Catherine’s staff (and work experience students) – thank you to everyone who helped and participated. It is safe to say the venue helped to make our sports day so successful and memorable, so once again thank you to TTA for hosting our event, especially Chris Fairburn (the head teacher) and Rob Davies (the PE leader) who were so accommodating of our requests.
There was a brilliant turn out to our 2018 KS2 Sports Day, so thank you to all the parents/carers, family members, friends…etc. who came along to the support the children. I’m sure you will agree they were all impeccably behaved, showed excellent sportsmanship and team work, whilst maintaining focused on the events and the element of competition – well done to all of them!