The School Council representatives met this week. The class teachers discussed key questions with their class prior to the meeting.
- What activities have you enjoyed most this year ? There were so many ranging from subject specific to themed days and trips.
- Do you think you were challenged? How? The children all felt challenged and emphasised the way the green pen questions moves their learning on and their learning partners help them to achieve the best they can.
- How would you describe your learning environment? There were so many wonderful adjectives and here are just a few– coulourful, busy, exciting, amazing, resourceful and inclusive.
- What are looking forward to in your next class? Year 2 are really looking forward to the shoeless learning and different types of seating. The children were also excited about meeting their new teachers and their new learning.
- If you are worried or concerned about something or someone what would you do? The children confidently listed off a number of people they would tell and also spoke about the ‘worry and concern box’ in their classroom.
Please visit the School Council page on our website for more information.